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We take campers along nature trails where they participate in birdwatching, observation of aquatic life, plant identification and basic entomology. Campers thus get a unique, hands-on opportunity to learn about the flora and fauna in our environment. 

Nature Trails and Hikes

Campers learn the fundamentals of Nature Photography by participating in a hand's-on photography workshop, hosted by our director, a National Geographic published Nature Photographer. 

Learn Photography

Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa

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Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Goa, Kids Camps Goa
Kidventure Goa, Kids Camps Goa

We offer plenty of creative pursuits to keep our happy campers busy! Every afternoon is dedicated to creative workshops that hone our campers' talents and help them discover new ones. All items created at camp will be sent home with their creators.

Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa

Afternoon Creativity

Campers learn life-long lessons in conservation of natural resources and the value of a safe, clean environment. By living close to nature and participating in nature-centric activities, our campers develop a passion for the outdoors and a love for nature that will serve them a lifetime.

Think Green

Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Goa, Kids Camps Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa

Campers learn basic astronomy as we view the moon, stars and planets using a powerful telescope. Campers get a close-up view of our moon as well as other heaveny objects. Campers will also learn about constellations and interesting details about the bodies in our Solar System.

Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa


There's never a dull moment at Camp Butterfly Grove with special activities and surprise activities which are conducted through the camp session to reinforce leadership and teambuilding among campers and add even more excitement to camp life. 

Special Activities

On-campus daytime activities include fun and exciting mad-science experiments, creative games and activities as well as competitions to promote teamwork, physical fitness and creative thinking. 

Daytime Activities

Evening Activities

No TV, no problem!! Our busy campers spend quality time playing board-games or inventing new games to play, listening to stories, making new friends and spending some quiet time, unwinding from the day's fun, during our peaceful camp evenings. 

Around the Campfire

Every evening, before bed, our campers enjoy sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, sharing jokes and learning limmericks. Our pre-bedtime campfires are held in tandem with our stargazing activity to make nights at camp even more exciting. 

Our final night campfire is a magical event held with much joy and laughter. Campers gather around the campfire for a final dinner and dance before toasting marshmallows over the flames and participating in fun games. Just before bed, our campers send up a sky-lantern each with their special wish inscribed on it. 

Final Night

Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Camps for Kids, Goa
Kidventure Goa, Kids Camps Goa
Kidventure Goa, Kids Camps Goa
Kidventure Goa, Kids Camps Goa


Camp Life

Kidventure Goa Kids Camps Goa
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Camp Rules and Frequently asked Questions.

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