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Camp Rules


Camp Kidventure provides campers with a chance to explore, learn, grow self-esteem and independence, expand creativity and enjoy an enriching experience. With all of these benefits, we will expect some basic considerations from our campers. The safety and wellbeing of every camper is our main concern. In order to ensure that every camper is safe, happy and secure, certain rules are implemented at camp and must be adhered to by every camper. Inculcating good conduct, positive social interaction, mutual respect and trust amongst campers is an important part our mission statement at Camp Butterfly Grove. It is vital that parents/guardians as well as campers themselves read, fully understand and respect our camp rules and abide by them in their true spirit.

Needless to say, our first rule is that all campers have fun!!


Parental consent is required for campers to attend Kidventure Camps


Prohibited Items

  • Game devices, iPads, smart phones, laptops/tablets and other technology devices are strictly not allowed at camp. Mobile phones (non-smart) are permitted but not compulsory; they will be kept in the custody of camp counselors and handed to the campers in case of emergency and during specific times. All other technology devices will be removed and returned once the camp session is over.

  • Hazardous items like knives, scissors, matchboxes, lighters, sharp implements etc. are strictly prohibited at camp. All bags will be checked; any such items will be removed and not returned.

  • Valuables like jewellery and money are strictly not allowed at camp.



  • Camp property must be respected at all times, campers will be charged for any camp property that has been intentionally damaged by them.

  • Do not litter. Clean up any mess that you make

  • Respect the property of other campers.

  • Respect others in the same way that you want to be respected.

  • Respect your councillors at all times. Listen carefully when they are talking. Obey all rules your councillor implements.

  • Bullying is a serious offence, any camper caught bullying or teasing will be sent home. No refund would be applicable.

  • Fighting, name-calling, arguing and use of bad language is not permitted at camp. Pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, etc., will not be tolerated. Any camper indulging in violent behaviour will be sent home. No refund would be applicable.

  • Teamwork is the key to a happy camp life; campers are expected to get along with each other, make new friends and participate in harmony.



  • The daily routine of camp life must be adhered to by every camper, including bedtime, wakeup time, meal and activity timings.

  • Lights out is at 10pm, campers must be in their cabins and ready for bed latest by 9:30pm. Wake-up call is at 7:30am.


Personal Hygiene

  • Campers are expected to shower at least once a day, hair must be washed at least every second day, teeth must be brushed at least twice a day.

  • Exchanging or sharing of clothing and towels is strictly prohibited.

  • Campers are required to flush every time the toilet is used.

  • Campers are expected to keep their cabins and toilets neat and clean, do not throw your clothes on the floor or leave a messy toilet.


Safety and Comfort

  • No camp member is permitted to enter the sea.

  • Campers are not allowed to visit the beach area without the company of a camp counselor.

  • Campers are not allowed to leave the camp premises unless accompanied by a counselor/parent/guardian and not without written permission from the camp director.

  • Campers are to remain seated in the bus during travelling, keep their voice down and not stick arms or head out of the bus window.

  • Campers are to wear hats and carry water bottles during outdoor excursions to avoid heatstroke.

  • Campers are not permitted in the kitchen and staff area of the camp.

  • Footwear must be worn at all times, both indoors and outdoors, even while on the beach.

  • Campers must stay with their team at all times and inform their assigned counselor while leaving the group.

  • All camp team members must participate in the welfare of each other.

  • Campers must immediately tell their counselor or camp director if they are feeling ill or uncomfortable.

  • Girls and boys are not permitted to share the same cabin.

  • Friends are permitted to share the same cabin, however, they must be of the same sex and both parties must have a permission letter from their parents requesting that they be roomed together.



  • Food and soft drinks are not allowed in the cabins at any time; they may attract insects and animals.

  • Snacks will be provided at camp and parents are not required to send any snacks with their child. Snacks if sent from home must be labelled with the camper’s name and handed over to the counselor; this will be given to the camper whenever required. Kindly do not send items like peanuts, packaged chips and cola drinks.


Phone Calls and Visitations

  • Parents are permitted to call and check on their children, but within stipulated timings. It is, however, requested that parents refrain from continually calling as it may contribute to homesickness.

  • Visitation to camp by outsiders (including parents), during the camping session, is not permitted.


Camper’s Belongings

  • Personal items should be labelled.

  • All medication must be labelled with the camper’s name, dosage and dose timings, these must be handed over to the camp counselor during pick-up, this will be administered to the camper when required. Medication and dosage must also be mentioned in the hand-over form (which will be provided after registration). Campers are not permitted to take medication independently.

  • Cameras must be labelled with the camper’s name; parents are required to fill out the details of make, model and serial number of the camera in the hand-over form. Campers are expected to keep the camera safe in their custody, its loss or damage is not the liability of camp staff.

  • Musical instruments may be carried, but at the parent/camper’s own risk and liability.

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© Kidventure Camps

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